We’ve got a rough version of the edge detection shader we’ll be using in the final version of the game.  The settings will be finely tuned to figure out what looks the best.  A playable demo is available here:


C-Term has begun. I have made the ending tile for the world. The player will end at the hospital and fight on the roof. I have also written questions for the playtesting that we will begin next week.



Ethan W.

Hey guys,

I fixed the controls on the play, so they can now be customized and used properly. I have added in the soldier model, but no prefab has been made yet. I will be messing with the new zombie today and will make a new player prefab.

Ethan W.


At least, for the player and basic NPCs.  I still need to retexture the NPCs for the zombified states, which I can do over break in an attempt to keep me practiced with art stuff.  Not sure what to do about their lack of mouths though.  I might just have to fake them somehow.


Everything should be displaying properly and animating properly.  Not all animations are finalized, some need a bit of fine tuning.  Almost all of the models need adjusted skin weights in one place or another, but luckily that doesn’t require all animations to be redone, only the base mesh.


Good times.


Sorry I haven’t posted in a while!  It was hard to get things tested when everyone was rushing to get alpha done, but I got them working, finally!

So, downhill from here.

Here’s a video basically saying everything.

This post is a bit late, but we have the Alpha Build! We will be showing it off today!



Here you should find the video demo of the spawning algorithm functioning with multiple enemies and a very brief look into the code behind it.  During the demo, do take note that there are many more looters then police officers and more police officers then there are soldiers (i.e. enemy frequency is related to the difficulty of the enemy).







This week I did lots of rigging and animation goodness.  I believe there are some errors with making the new set of Zombie animations work in Unity, but that should be cleared up quickly enough.  These are just basic motion tests of the 4 NPC models rigged as they are now, with the same rig as the Zombie.


Their models may need slight adjustments to work optimally.


Here is more or less what the buildings will look like in their completed state.  Since the feel of the game is supposed to be cartoon-y I decided to not use normal maps.  Getting rid of normal maps makes it easier to render letting us use more buildings.  Zombies also don’t pay attention to the environment and adding more realism will really take away from the cartoon-y feel we’re going for.  The doorways are also going to be very generic and nondescript to draw the player’s attention away from the buildings and towards the characters.



– Calvin


Fancy rig!

